Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cpgl::CameraDefines camera position and frustum
 Cpgl::ControllerCamera controller
 Cpgl::OrbitControllerCamera Controller which orbits around a center
 Cpgl::NodeNode in the scene graph
 Cpgl::ObjectObject in a scene
 Cpgl::PrimitiveBasic 3D primitive
 Cpgl::ArrowArrow Primitive
 Cpgl::BoxBox Primitive
 Cpgl::CapsuleCapsule Primitive
 Cpgl::CylinderGeneralized cylinder Primitive
 Cpgl::ConeCylinder ending in a point
 Cpgl::ModelSTL model
 Cpgl::PlanePlane Primitive
 Cpgl::SphereSphere Primitive
 Cpgl::WireBoxWireframe box Primitive
 Cpgl::SceneRoot node of the scene graph
 Cpgl::Checkerboard4x4Checkerboard texture
 Cpgl::TransformHomogeneous coordinate transform
 Cpgl::RotationTransform with zero translation
 Cpgl::TranslationTransform with identity rotation
 Cpgl::Vector33-component vector