Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CArrowArrow Primitive
 CBoxBox Primitive
 CCameraDefines camera position and frustum
 CCapsuleCapsule Primitive
 CCheckerboard4x4Checkerboard texture
 CConeCylinder ending in a point
 CControllerCamera controller
 CCylinderGeneralized cylinder Primitive
 CModelSTL model
 CNodeNode in the scene graph
 CObjectObject in a scene
 COrbitControllerCamera Controller which orbits around a center
 CPlanePlane Primitive
 CPrimitiveBasic 3D primitive
 CRotationTransform with zero translation
 CSceneRoot node of the scene graph
 CSphereSphere Primitive
 CTransformHomogeneous coordinate transform
 CTranslationTransform with identity rotation
 CVector33-component vector
 CWireBoxWireframe box Primitive