▼Npgl | |
CArrow | Arrow Primitive |
CBox | Box Primitive |
CCamera | Defines camera position and frustum |
CCapsule | Capsule Primitive |
CCheckerboard4x4 | Checkerboard texture |
CCone | Cylinder ending in a point |
CController | Camera controller |
CCylinder | Generalized cylinder Primitive |
▼CModel | STL model |
CTriangle | |
CNode | Node in the scene graph |
CObject | Object in a scene |
COrbitController | Camera Controller which orbits around a center |
CPlane | Plane Primitive |
CPrimitive | Basic 3D primitive |
CRotation | Transform with zero translation |
CScene | Root node of the scene graph |
CSphere | Sphere Primitive |
CTexture | Texture |
CTransform | Homogeneous coordinate transform |
CTranslation | Transform with identity rotation |
CVector3 | 3-component vector |
CWireBox | Wireframe box Primitive |